Flashback Friday! Weight gain isn't always a bad thing...
My mentality over the last few years of my journey has changed from 'skinny is best' to 'strong not skinny'. I couldn't be happier with this progress!
On the left:
I was obsessed with hitting a certain number on the scale at any cost.
1. I was eating no carbs, religiously intermittent fasting, and 'still' weighed 148
2. I was running / doing cardio 7x a week for a minimum of 30 - 40 minutes.
3. My best 5k time was 34:25, and I was completely gassed after my workouts.
4. Lifting was impossible - I just didn't have the energy or strength.
5. I hated my body - I hated myself, and realized I lost some of the curves I used to like.

And today, on the right:
I have no idea what I weigh, and don't care.
1. I eat a balanced diet whenever I want, and enjoy 'bad' foods without any guilt.
2. I do HIIT & cardio 3 - 4x a week for shorter periods of time because I enjoy it.
3. My best 5k time is 30:47, and while I feel tired when I finish, I recover quicker.
4. Lifting is my joy - being strong gives me such great pride in myself.
5. I appreciate and am grateful that my body can do everything it does for me, love my strong, bigger body, and I got my booty back!
I love that I've conquered diet culture and have grown into the mentally and physically strong woman I am today. I want to give that back to the world.
I decided to start Dead Set to empower men and women to create the healthiest and happiest versions of themselves. It may take some time, but it doesn't need to be a hard and lonely journey.
Together let's get Dead Set on finding the best 'you' we can!