One of the things I continue to hear from prospective clients is that they've had personalized plans before and they didn't work...
"How was your plan personalized to suit your needs? What data did you put in, and what was given back?"
"I used *insert name of subpar program like Noom or WeightWatchers* and put in my height, weight, gender, and goal weight. I got back a calorie target and foods not to eat."
This is NOT a personalized approach!
While it's better than just winging it, these programs use mathematical equations to determine numbers despite your body size, history, or goals. They 'teach', they often teach outdated systems that create poor relationships, and even fear, of normal eating.
You are MORE than an equation.
With Dead Set, we start with a detailed conversation. We go through a LOT. Your past successes, failures, where you want to be, and why.
We explore together.
We set goals together an determine an approach that is guided by an educated coach.
Your program is designed for YOU and you alone.
And you're educated every step of your journey.
So when I say your plan is personalized, I mean it!