Sometimes you need to hear the hard truths to be able to move forward.
Yesterday someone told me "I was lucky" and they "wished they had results like mine". After asking what their plan was to change her situation, or what they were doing to work towards their goal, I found out they were doing nothing differently and had no plans of changing.
It was so insulting to all the blood, sweat, and tears (literally) I've put into myself. All of my hard work was invalidated as luck.
I didn't wish my way to better health. I worked my ass off for it, and I continue to work my ass off for it.
Your weight, fitness level, and overall well being are things that you have the power to prioritize and change.
So for anyone complaining about it but not doing anything about it...
You are not powerless.
Negative self talk leads to self sabotage.
You might feel anger, frustration, or resentment towards yourself or someone else...BUT!
Decide for YOU to make a change. Use those emotions and channel them into something positive for yourself and stop being a victim to circumstances you have the power to change.
Stop wishing and start doing.