It snowed here in New Jersey, which means my 5 year old was ready to rumble the second the first plow went down our street at 4:20 this morning.
She came into my room and told me all the things we would do with her snow day - play in the snow, EAT the snow, make snow angels, a fort, a snowman, and have a snowball fight, make cookies, have hot chocolate (she doesn't even drink it), watch a movie, and cuddle.
All this. Whispered directly into my face before the sun even thought of coming up.
I threw her in the bed next to me and told her we'd do it all, but only after she went back to sleep for a while.
She slept til 9:30 am. I couldn't go back to sleep and got out of bed around 5 after giving up.
I had the goal of doing a specific workout today despite my lack of sleep. My Garmin prompted me to remind me to chill.
How important is sleep and rest to your health, weight control, fitness, and recovery?
Really important.
In a recent study, analysis found that adults who sleep less than 7 hours a night have a 41% increased risk of developing obesity.
The main reason? Sleep deprivation increases hunger hormone levels and decreases the hormones that make you feel full.
This causes sleep-deprived individuals to have a bigger appetite and eat more calories, while having low energy levels that make it hard for you to muster up the will to exercise.
On occasion, disrupted sleep is no biggie. Over time, it can severely impact your health.
Remember to listen to your body and prioritize your sleep. If you need help setting up sleep routines, reach out! ✌🏻